Search Public Records
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Want To Opt Out From Our People Search?

Start By Searching Your Public Records Here »

IMPORTANT: ID required. You’ll need to provide proof of your identity before we can complete your request.

Takes 5 days -- We will try to process your request as quickly as possible, but please note that this process can take up to 5 business days after you’ve submitted all the required information.

Removing Your Info: Instructions &FAQ

PeopleWhiz makes it easy for you to remove your public records information from our search results. However, it’s important to remember that your public records will still be out there in the world. They simply won’t appear on PeopleWhiz.

To remove your info from our database, simply enter your name in the box above, and follow the prompts. After you’ve selected your record and confirmed your request to remove your info, you’ll get an email confirmation from us, notifying you that the opt out is in process. In turn, we will notify our data partners, directing them not to return your public records when requested on our site.

Please find an in depth FAQ outlining our public records removal process below. If you have any additional questions or concerns after going through this, please contact us by email or phone - we’re available 24/7.

What’s PeopleWhiz’s policy on email privacy?

PeopleWhiz maintains a strict privacy policy for our site users. When you submit your email address to us, the only thing we will use it for is to confirm your opt out request. We do not share or sell user information to third parties without prior written consent.

Do I have to sign up for a membership to get my info removed?

No, you are not required to sign up for a membership on our site to have your public records removed. Simply follow the prompts at the top of this page and we will help you get it done free of charge.

Is removing my info from PeopleWhiz really free?

Yup, it really is. We do not charge to remove info.

How long does it take to remove my info?

It can take up to 5 business days. It can be quicker than that, but to play it safe you can expect a 5 day turnaround.

How can I check to make sure my info was removed?

Our servers typically take 24-48 hours to refresh. After that point, go ahead and enter your name back into our search engine. We advise clearing your cache, cookies & browser history before doing so, as it’s possible your computer may access data that was cached prior to your opt out. If you encounter any issues when confirming your info was removed, please contact us by email or phone, and we’ll be happy to help.

Once my records are gone, will they ever reappear on PeopleWhiz?

This is rare but can occur, typically for one of two reasons: either a data provider has acquired a new public record on you that was filed after you opted out of PeopleWhiz, or a separate public record of yours that differs in some critical way (different middle name, obsolete address, etc.) shows up under your name and is returned in a search. If you see something like this, simply contact us anytime, 24/7, and we will help remove that record for you as well.